A GoPro, a gimbal and a hex

The gimbal has been mounted on the F550 hex. Just need to tidy up some wiring, mount a 3S to power the gimbal, find a new spot to mount the new 4S main battery and run a cable to switch the gimbal tilt 90 degrees manually.
Testing out WordPress to Facebook plugin
I've been trying to use Simplaris blogcast to get my WordPress posts to automatically update my Facebook but the bloody automated updated just won't stick in the applications settings page. So I'm going to the other end, my WP blog and trying out the Wordbooker plugin. This post is the first test.
Interested to hear if anyone has a reccomendation.
A personal milestone?
Tonight was the first time I can remember unplugging my OptusNet cable connection to use an alternative device to upload a large file. How times change.
I needed to send a 6 meg ppt file via email attachment. Option 1, I can upload via my cable at about 256kbps and wait many minutes (probably as many minutes as it would take me to convert the units and figure out how long 6MB takes to upload at 256kB/s).
Option 2 - plug in my Optus HSUPA E176 (2100/900MHz) 3G modem and upload the 6MB file at 1.5Mbps.
Wireless download speeds are almost equivalent (except maybe during the evenings). Upload speed has far outstripped cable. I don't have DSL to compare. Given the convenience of mobile broadband and the NBN FTTH (National Broadband Fibre To The Home), are the days of Cable and DSL numbered?
Wandong Satcat deployment
The remnants of an Optus mobile network shelter after the bushfires went through Wandong last week.
Such a good idea...
A 2GB SD-Card with built in wireless that automatically uploads your pictures to your computer or the web or your computer and the web.
The Great Internet Crash of 2007
If you can read this, then the Internet has rebooted. Phew! For a moment there I was gonna get the null modem cable out and fire up Doom. old skool.... uhu huhuhuhuuhuhu... huh.
Please let me know you're safe - leave me a comment below.
Software pick of the day – PicLens & Linkification
PicLens delivers an immersive full-screen experience for viewing photos on the Web.
Convert plain text urls in the browser automatically in the browser.
Photo gallery in 30 seconds. Assuming of course you already have a flickr account.