RC, photos & tech


Tuning the CC3D – Step 1


I haven't had the chance to actually go fly the YAPVCBQ since the somewhat unsuccessful maiden so the next best thing is to tune it indoors and I'm learning heaps. For example, the first time I fired it up on the line, only motors 1 & 3 were turning consistently. First thought was I had dodgy connections to 2 & 4. What I figured out (I think) was that I had to disable the yaw and pitch stabilisation because strung up on the wire like that it was trying to compensate in an axis it had no control over. 

Well I think that logic stands up because after disabling yaw and pitch, all four motors worked fine.

I set out to tune the inner loop in rate mode for a start with the default setting of Kp 20 and Ki 0. Rotating the quad until it was level was easy enough but it would pretty much start drifting off level straight away. I upped Ki to 15 and it held it longer before starting to drift. 
That's all I've had time for so far but I've found tuning it strung up like this much better than going out to fly. First it lets me concentrate on one axis at a time and second it's much easier to plug the laptop in straight away to adjust the values.


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