RC, photos & tech


Edge 540 Maiden

Edge 540 Maiden, originally uploaded by mattmc.

Edge 540 took to the air for the maiden flight today. I'd put 114 grams of lead in the engine bay to move the CG forward. It was probably a bit much as I needed a fair bit of up elevator trim. Otherwise trim was good.

Had 3 fairly brief flights while I got used to it. The hardest part about landing was she wanted to float forever. There was a moderate wind straight down the strip and I was conscious of stalling it on approach. No such problem there.

All in all, the OS 160 (26cc) engine seems to be a good match. As I get more confidence with it I'm sure I'll find the aerobatic capability quite good. Until then, I've got the little Bad Boy to throw around. I've been toying with the idea of replacing the OS46AX with an OS70 Four stroke. Maybe over the Christmase break I'll get around to it.

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