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Tricopter build: Hooking it all up

Tricopter power wiring

Once all the soldering has been taken care of, it's pretty much a case of running all the wires making sure they can reach and connecting them all together. I followed the diagrams shown below. I don't take any credit for the diagrams. I found them by searching through the forums and in particular this thread here.

Channel 1: Gyro #1 input.
Channel 2: Gyro #2 input.
Channel 3: Gyro #1, 2 & 3 sensitivity input connectors.
Channel 4: Yaw Gyro #4 input.
Channel 5: Yaw Gyro #4 sensitivity input connector.
Channel 6: Gyro #3 input.
Channel 7: BEC input.
Channel 8: LED light strip switch.

The photos below show the wiring before I tidied it up and also swapped the Futaba R617FS 7 channel 2.4Ghz receiver for an OrangeRx Futaba FASST Compatible 8Ch 2.4Ghz Receiver from HobbyKing. I needed the extra channel to make the LED strip switch on and off from the transmitter. Next I'll go through the programming I used for my Futaba 10C radio. This is my first "Heli" setup so I'd be surprised if I get it right first time.

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  1. Hi..I am constructing a tricopter with the receiver and gyro connections just as you suggested. But I am not using a flight control boArd or any kk board.  I would like to fly it just the way you depicted in figure 4 of this post. But when I switch on my transmitter, the gyros keep flashing and the ESC's beep after every 2 seconds…can u help me rectify this problem ??

  2. The best advice I can offer, spend $30 at Hobbyking and get a KK2.0 FC board.

    It will fly heaps better and you won't have to figure out why the gyros are flashing.

    The beeping ESCs sound like you haven't calibrated them for your throttle range.

  3. Thanks a lot !!

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