RC, photos & tech

Seagull Edge-540

The order has been placed and delivery should be in about a week. I've been told though because it's an "official" birthday present, I have to wait until August 19 to open the box.


  • Wingspan: 1.97m (77.5")
  • Length: 1.79m (71")
  • Weight: 5.8kg
  • Engine: 120-160 2 stroke/200 4 stroke
  • Radio: 4 channel


Picked her up today. Everything seems in order.
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Hinged the ailerons, elevator and rudder (mostly). My "thin" cyano glue is a bit old and not so thin any more. Considering I need it to wick down the hinges, I thought it would be a good idea to invest in some new glue.
I need to pick up some new servos for this kit so I moved onto the fuel tank. Hooked up all the lines for the fuel tank and that was the end of day 1.
Time so far: 1 hour.

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Picked up four Hitec HS-645MG servos (2 for each wing). Of course I forgot extension leads so there's no point mounting them in the wing yet. One lead is about 6" short of exiting the wing and the other about 13". I figure I'll need a couple of extension leads approximately this long, then into a Y lead to go into the receiver.

With brand new Cyano in hand I finished glueing the hinges as per instructions. Gap is minimal, plenty of throw and minimal resistance. I was kinda surprised by the small amount of throw for the aileron on high rate. I think it's 3/8" but I gues I'm used to the PA Bad Boy and Addiction with 45° throws.

Time so far: 1.5 hours.

Thought this might be a good time to keep track of costs. Hope the wife doesn't read my blog.
1 x Seagull Edge 540 Kit - $349.95
4 x Hitec HS645MG servos - $199.80
3' fuel line - $6
1 x Thin Cyano - $8.95
Total to date - $564.70
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Installed all 4 servos into the wings. In each wing I used a 12" heavy duty lead extender for the outside servo. For the servo closer to the wing, the Y-Lead was long enough to reach the servo lead and provide enough length into the fuse / receiver.

Time so far: 2.5 hours.

Cost so far:
2 x 12" HD lead extensions - $15.90
2 x HD Y Lead (long) - $19.90
Previous total - $564.70
Total to date - $600.50


Setup the wheels, axles and wheel covers. Fitted the landing gear and test fitted one wing for the hell of it.

Time so far: 3.5 hours.
Total to date - $600.50


Installed the elevator, rudder and throttle servos. Minor filing needed to enlarge the hole to take the servo. Careful not to enlarge too much otherwise the mounting screws won't bite into the ply properly. Looks like I'll need slightly longer than 12" servo extension leads to reach the receiver from the elevator servos.

3 x Hitec 645MG servos (2 x Elev, 1 x Rudder)
1 x Hitec 425BB servo (Throttle)

Time so far: 4.0 hours.
Total to date - $750.00


Zero progress to report, just keeping track of expenses.

1 x HD Switch / Cover / Charging Jack - $15.95
1 x 24" HD Twisted Y Lead - $ 9.95
1 x 2700mAh 6.0V Rx Batt Pack - $59.95

Time so far: 4.0 hours.
Total to date - $835.85

No build progress but I relaised I'd bought the wrong Y-lead for the two elevator servos in the tail so off to buy some more bits. The problem was I needed to reverse one of the two elevator servos where I'm running both off one channel on the receiver via a Y-Lead. Some may say to mix two channels but I'm already doing that with the 4 aileron servos connected to two seperate channels on my 7 channel receivver. I believe the the Futaba FF7 has the capability to mix a second set of channels but that can be switched on and off via a witch on the transmitter. Something like mixing two critical servos needs to be a "permanent" mix.

2 x HD 12" twisted servo ext lead (elevators) - $15.90
1 x Y Lead (reversing) - $32.95

Time so far: 4.0 hours.
Total to date - $884.70

Engine mount, receiver, battery pack, elevator servos mounted.
Horizontal and vertical stab expoxied in place.

1 x JR Synthesised RX $110

Time so far: 5.0 hours.
Total to date - $994.70

Pushrods for elevator and ailerons done.
Rudder control horn in place.

Time so far: 7.0 hours.
Total to date - $994.70
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I haven't really done this page justice by not posting feedback after she's taken to the air - I've been having too much fun. Bloody love it. The OS160 is spot on. Starts every time by bumping it off compression. Never had a deadstick yet. Being my first 26cc size plane though I've been pretty cautious with run times and never run out of fuel either.
edge 540

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