Aerial Mapping with a GoPro, APM 2.5 & FX-61
The Problem:
Google Map resolution isn't good enough.
The Solution:
Fit a downward facing GoPro camera to Phantom Fx-61 Flying wing, fly circuits with the GoPro taking still images photos every two seconds or so, post process in AgiSoft PhotoScan.
The advantage of creating a map stitched together from still photos as a 3D model means it can be rotated and viewed from any angle. The example below was created from a very quick flight and not even with a pre-programmed flight path. I mostly just flew manual circuits so credit due to the powerful software processing.
This image shows a zoomed in section of this map using Google Earth viewer. The low resolution makes it difficult to make out the details.
The same section but from the custom made map shows a lot more detail.
The Equipment:
APM Arducopter: Problem with Altitude Hold Solved
The problem:
As soon as I engage Altitude hold on my Arducopter Hexacopter, it shoots up instead of holding a nice steady altitude as expected.
The solution:
My throttle mid-point was not exactly at centre and when I engaged Altitude hold, the throttle stick becomes an altitude adjustment control as opposed to a throttle meaning relative to the centre position, if the stick is up, the Hex will rise. If the stick is below centre, it will fall. I analysed a logfile where I had been hovering in a nice stable position and found my throttle setting to be about 480. I thought this would have been close enough to the default (500) but apparently not because after adjusting THR_MID, the Hex hovered perfectly in position.
These URLs helped me identify and solve the problem:
Firmware Upload HKPilot Mega V2.5 Flight Controller
The first time I tried to upload the ArduCopter firmware to the Hobbyking HKPilot Mega V2.5 Flight Controller I got an error "Communication Error - no connection". Even though I specified the correct COM port identified via the Computer Management in Windows 7. Under the "Ports (COM & LPT)" it shows up as "Arduino Mega 2560 (COM35)" along with two others "Standard Serial over Bluetooth link".
Convinced I had the settings right I was beginning to wonder if I had a dud board. The solution I found was to disable the other two COM ports in the Computer Management.
After disabling these COM ports, the firmware uploaded to the board with no errors.