RC, photos & tech


Bad Boy – Post Mortem

radio_control 023, originally uploaded by mattmc.

On closer inspection, the damage is worse than I thought. The top, bottom and middle spars were all cracked. It was just really the balsa sheeting that was holding it all together. As I removed the sheeting to inspect the damage, it basically came apart in my hands.
Try clicking the image above to go to Flickr. You'll see the same image but also my comments embedded onto different parts of the photo. Cool hey. That's one of the reasons I paid for a Flickr pro account.

So I've taken the old Precedent Fun Fly out of storage and transferred the gear into it for the time being. The Bad Boy isn't dead, it just aint being resurrected this Easter Weekend.
The Fun Fly used to have an Irvine .40 cubic inch engine in it. I've transplanted the OS 46AX so I'm hoping it'll have plenty of power - but not too much.

radio_control 006

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