RC, photos & tech


RC Plane storage

With space becoming a premium in the garage, I've had to find new places and ways to store the planes. Unfortunately the trailer is moving outside and the car is going to be living in the garage from now on. So here's a couple of ways I've made better use of space available in the garage.

1) Vertical rails from Bunnings. Easy to do and flexible configuration. Once the vertical rails are screwed into the wall (making sure there's a stud behind 'em), the arms can be moved up and down to suit all different sizes. Shown here is a little 46 sized sport plane along with a 160 Edge 540.

2) Garage door rails and cable ties. Aah cable ties, is there anything they can't do? The last meter or so of the garage door rail isn't actually used and is crying out to hang something off. Just make sure you mark where on the rail the door actually stops before hanging them. I misjudged the first one by about 15cm so when I opened the garage door, the roller almost crushed one model. Luckily the model just got pushed along the rail.

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