RC, photos & tech


$20 Quadcopter frame, test flight video

The $20 Bunnings quadcopter frame is a bit heavy, about 400 grams but its straight and strong. The control board is a MWC Paris V4 board with WM+, BMA180 and BMP085 sensors. All up weight is about 1300 grams with the 2650mAH nano-tech 3S lipo. Flight time just hovering was 10-11 minutes.

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  1. Funny enough, I ended up  walking through Bunnings and came up with exactly the same materials you did!
    I was considering buying 2 sections  instead of just 2 ( that way, it would be twice the size, and no cutting! ).
    I assembles al lthe bits while  Iwas actually at Bunnings, and then placed a 12 inch prop against one of the arms to check out the overall scale I was about to build….seriously, it was a BIG quad!…even wit h12 inch props! – so I decided to go the same way as you di and only but 2 of the four arms to make one the size of the one you did….atleast till I can get  some 26 inch props! and some pretty beefy motors.
    I think the Arduino mega and the right shield and a little programming will have this thing hammering! – but with better stabiityv than an A R Drone. ( mind you, its dead-easy to have a 2 dollar ultrasonic control your 10 foot auto-hover setting ) using Arduino – and  unlike the A R  Drone…it WONT decide on its own to suddenly go into orbit.


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